Saturday, March 27, 2010

Be accountable, we will all answer one day.

We pleaded with you, encouraged you, and urged you to live your lives in a way that God would consider worthy. For He called you to share in His kingdom and glory. (1 Thessalonians 2:12 – NLT)

The first letter from Paul to the Thessalonian church is a letter of thanksgiving to God for the faith, love, and hope of this young church. However in chapter two Paul is defending his visit to Thessalonica, in this day there were many traveling orators (preachers if you will) who only sought money and fame. Since Paul and traveling companions had come to the city and preached the Good News then left suddenly and had not returned, even though they had tried to several times, Paul deeply cared for and loved the Thessalonians and wanted to insure them that his intentions are true and he was a “messenger approved by God” (2:4). That his concern is to please God not man; God is the examiner of our hearts. Paul explains how they did not try to flatter them or to take their money; in fact they worked hard to not be a burden on them.

Paul stated in verse 11 “you know that we treated each of you as a father treats his own children.” Then verse 12 where Paul reminds them of how he pleaded with them to live God centered lives. “For He called you to share in His kingdom and glory.” Close your eyes for a moment and imagine this prospect, we have come face-to-face with our Creator, we swallow hard because we know it is time to be called to account for all our actions on earth, both good and bad. Our individual history is not secret to God, He knows everything, but I imagine that the extent of our past activities may be a jolt to us. Some of may be pleasingly astounded, but I envision the majority of us will not be.

We need to be positively certain that whatever we do today, out thoughts and actions are pleasing to Our Righteous God (Jehovah Tsidkenu – Jeremiah 23:6). Be assured that some day in the future, which may be sooner than some of us think, that we will be called into account for our lives.

Father of All Things, I pray that you make my words and actions show everyone who sees me the changes that You have made in my life and in me. Your Prince of Peace came from You into this world so that I would have a chance at abundant life and unending life with You. All praise and admiration to You Adonai (Lord – Genesis 15:2), for my Morning Star, my King of Kings, Jesus Christ, Your Word made Flesh. I will pursue You, Messiah, with Your strength and courage and by the power of the Holy Spirit, I will honor You, and extend the Good News of the Light of the World, today and always. I offer this prayer in the name of Your Son, the Alpha and Omega, the Life Giver and Savior, Jesus Christ. Amen.

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