If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness. (1 John 1:9)
Confess – not and easy thing to do. Doing a word search in the NIV I found 41 instances to the word confess, from Leviticus through 1 John, and each time the theme of turning from their sin goes along with it. We are promised that if we ask God for forgiveness, He will give it! He does not ask for explanations, He ask no questions, He just forgives. This is the very nature of God. God’s ability to love and forgive is immeasurable and immediate you ask He forgives.
Then there is the word Repent, which shows up 75 times in the NIV, and always, goes along with some sort of confession and turning from sin. In Merriam-Webster’s on-line Dictionary the definition of Repent is - to turn from sin and dedicate oneself to the amendment of one's life. To the amendment of one’s life, to turn from sin. Here in 1 John we are told that if we confess our sin God will forgive us. I think we need to take God up on His offer. Even though we may feel that we do not deserve God’s forgiveness, that our sins are to great, that there is no way a loving God would have a use for a sinner like me (speaking from experience). God shows no favoritism, God is bigger than any sin. There is no one living outside the Grace of God, NO ONE.
Also, on the subject of forgiveness, as I said God shows not favoritism in His Grace, neither should we. We have to forgive everyone that you feel has wronged you, not just those who ask for it or the ones who have made it up to you. God forgives everyone, completely, so should we, anything less is insufficient.
Heavenly Father, confessing my sins to you is one of the hardest things I do. I ask that you give me the courage and strength to be open and honest with you. I know that I have been forgiven in my heart. I want to feel confident that my honesty will not condemn me but free me. Your love and forgiveness knows no boundaries and that is where I want to live father, in Your love and forgiveness. Father I ask that you grant me the strength and ability to forgive as You forgive, without question, needing no explanation, just forgive as You do. You have given me the gift by forgiving me. Please help me to share that gift with others. In the name of Your Son and my Savior, Jesus Christ, Amen.
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