Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Level Paths

25) Let your eyes look straight ahead, fix your gaze directly before you. 26) Make level paths for your feet and take only ways that are firm. 27) Do not swerve to the right or the left; keep your foot from evil. (Proverbs 4:25-27)

The Psalmist wrote in Psalm 119:37 “Turn my eyes away from worthless things.” What are you looking at today? Where is your focus? Is it on Christ and His blessings, His will for your life or is it the worldly gains that Satan is tempting you with? Today is an opportunity to offer praise, to celebrate the life God has chosen for you. To give thanks to the One who has offered you more blessings than you can even imagine.

Make level paths for you feet; take away every moral hindrance. In Isaiah 26:7 we read: “The path of the righteous is level; O upright One, you make the ways of the righteous smooth.” We alone cannot make our path level we an not resist the moral temptations, Christ has already resisted Satan’s temptations in the wilderness. Is it not wise then to rely on the strength of Christ?

Do not swerve to the right or the left, a warning that we have seen several times in scripture. Deuteronomy 5:32 “So be careful to do what the Lord your God has commanded you; do not turn aside to the right or to the left.” Joshua 1:7 “Be strong and very courageous. Be careful to obey all the law my servant Moses gave you; do not turn from it to the right or to the left, that you may be successful wherever you go.” Being successful is not unconditionally guaranteed, we cannot rely on our own ability to do what is right we must rely on Christ to keep us straight on the path.

For today let us focus our thought on the joy that is rightfully ours in Christ! Lets celebrate God’s ever-glorious creation! Lets trust in the hopes and promises that God has given us and not fear what we cannot control. If we live in this manner we become contagious, others will begin to become hopeful for their future in Christ, who knows maybe we can change the world, one hope after another, in Christ!

Father, as I live today and everyday, I ask that you give me the hope in my future with You. That You help me to remember Your promises and keep my path level, my eyes and steps straight and focused on You. Lord, keep me focused on the blessing You have given me and not on my abilities, help me remember that it is from You all things come, that Your gifts are comparable to none. Father bless me to be Your servant, that all my actions, thoughts and word are for Your glory and honor. Amen.

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