Friday, August 22, 2014


Again, you have heard that it was said to the people long ago, ‘Do not break your oath, but fulfill to the Lord the vows you have made. ~ Matthew 5:33

Vows of any kind are extremely important, They are important to the one you made the vow too because you have made a promise that they expect you to keep, and to those who witnessed them because your ability to keep your vow speaks directly to your charter. Wedding vows are even more important, they mean something to God, whom you made this vow in front of. They mean something to the you and the person you are marring its a promising faithfulness to one another. They mean something to the everyone in attendance of the wedding who are a witnesses of the ceremony. These vows are not to be said before much thought and reflection, these vows are for your lifetime, a commitment to Christ to remain faithful to our true love. Just as with our salvation in Jesus, our marriage vows are a proclamation of faith. Through the good and bad that life has for us we promise to follow through.

We will have good days and bad ones, we will have joy and sorrow, we will rub against each other for comfort and warmth and sometimes the rubbing will be like nails on a chalkboard. We will be close at times and there will be times of much distance. Those of us who are wise will learn from our mistakes and grow from them and there are those of us that are hard headed and make the same mistakes over and over again, (this is the category I tend to fall into most often). But the key is remembering that we made a vow and through think and thin we must make our very best effort to keep our promise to Christ as well as our loved one. Remember communication and patience are the keys to a successful life. Amen. <><

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